Internal Assessment

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Internal Assessment

As per the BANGALORE UNIVERSITY NORMS internal evaluation is to be done by continuous assessment. For all courses without practical total marks of external examination is 70 and total marks of internal evaluation is 30. Of the 30 marks of Internal Assessment, 15 marks shall be based on Business Lab Activities during the first two semesters and Field Study Activities in the next four semesters, 10 marks shall be based on two tests. Each test shall be of at least 30 minutes duration to be held during each semester. The average of two tests shall be taken as the internal assessment marks. The remaining 5 marks shall be based on Attendance.

The dates of Internal and Preparatory exam of each semester is specified in the college handbook which is given to each Subject teacher. The college strictly adheres to the dates specified in the handbook. Only in exceptional circumstances, the college may prepone or postpone the dates by a few days.

Students are reminded well in advance by their subject teachers about the date of exams. The teachers also inform them about the portion to be covered for each exam. The time table is displayed on the main notice board and a circular is also issued to each class regarding the same.

An Examination Cell (BOE) is constituted with faculty members from different departments and staff from the administrative office, for the smooth conduct of examinations. The BOE consults with the Principal regarding all matters relating to the conduct of exams such as seating arrangements, time table of the exam, timings, code of conduct by students and faculty members during the exam, malpractices, handling of grievances, and so on.

Faculty members are expected to be strict with respect to malpractice of any kind. Students are expected to maintain the decorum and sanctity of the examination hall. Students indulging in malpractices are appropriately reprimanded and reported to the Principal. The BOE gives all possible assistance for the smooth conduct of the exam. They also conduct surprise checks to find out malpractices.

If students are aggrieved by the conduct of a faculty member, they are free to approach the BOE/Principal. The Principal’s decision would be final and binding upon all.


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