Vishwa Chethana Degree College has a book collection of 4378 text book, 400 reference books, subcription of 03 Magzines , 02 local newspaper, 02 national paper. The library can accommodate over 30 students in its reading room. Vishwa Chethana Degree College has been an N-LIST subscribed the month of May – 2023 and has access to 3 lakhs e-Books and 6000 e-Journals available. All the staff and students have access to e-recourses available under N-List and The library has 02 functional computers with internet facility available for use by students and teachers.
Various housekeeping activities of the library such as data entry, issue and return and renewal of books are done through the software. The books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
OPAC service is provided. Users can search for books by title, author and subject. All books in the library are bar-coded.
Very recently, the software is being installed.
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